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TTTT – Trash & Treasures Along the Tenn-Tom

 Highway 72 & Highway 25, Iuka, MS 38852

50 Mile Yard Sale

Uncover hidden treasures and unique finds along the scenic Tenn-Tom Waterway during the Trash & Treasures Along the Tenn-Tom 50-Mile Yard Sale! This spectacular event, one of the South’s largest yard sales, takes place every first Friday and Saturday in October.

Embark on a 50-mile route starting on Highway 25 north of Iuka, winding its way along the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway to Belmont-Golden, including Old Highway 72 (172) to Burnsville and Highway 72 in Burnsville. Thousands of sellers and buyers converge, turning this event into a bustling marketplace of Trash & Treasures.

Whether you’re a seller looking to clear some clutter or a buyer on the hunt for unique items, this yard sale welcomes individual and group collections. It’s an opportunity to turn trash into pocket money or funds for civic and church groups. Best of all, participation in this event is free, although some private property owners may charge a fee. Join the adventure and let the hunt for treasures along the Tenn-Tom begin!

More information is available on the web site at or 662-423-0051.

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